
NMPTUtils Namespace Reference
[Auxilliary Tools]

Auxilliary Tool: A set of functions that are commonly used by many NMPT classes and executables. More...


void printMat (const cv::Mat &mat)
 Display a matrix to stdout in a multi line format easy to read.
void printMat (const CvMat &mat)
 Display a matrix to stdout in a multi line format easy to read.
double randomNormal ()
 Get a single normally distributed random number.
double randomFloat ()
 Get a single random number distributed uniformly from 0-1.
std::string commaSeparatedFlattenedMat (const cv::Mat &mat)
 Format a matrix in a single line, comma separated format suitable for output to a CSV file.
int getVideoCaptureFromCommandLineArgs (cv::VideoCapture &capture, const int argc, const char **argv)
 Allows the source for an NMPT program to be specified from the command line.
double rectAreaOverlapRatio (cv::Rect r1, cv::Rect r2)
 Computes the ratio of the area of the intersection of two rectangles to the area of the union.
double rectAreaIntersect (cv::Rect r1, cv::Rect r2)
 Computes the area of the intersection of two rectangles.
double notfinite (double a)
 Returns true if a is NaN or infinty.
void distNorm (cv::Mat &normDist, const cv::Mat &unnormDist)
 Divides unnormDist by its L1-norm, effectively turning it into a probability distribution's histogram. The values of unnormDist should be all positive. If any values are NaN or inf, the probability mass is split uniformly between those values and all other values become 0.
void sample (cv::Mat &samples, const cv::Mat &histogram, cv::Size sampleSize=cv::Size(1, 1))
 Generate a matrix of samples from a probability histogram.
int sample (const cv::Mat &histogram)
 Generate a single sample from a probability histogram.
template<class mattype >
void map (cv::Mat &mat, mattype(*function)(mattype))
 Apply a function (in place) to every element of a matrix. The function must take an argument of the matrix's data type, and return a value of the matrix's data type.
template<class mattype >
int contains (const cv::Mat &mat, mattype val)
 Check to see if a matrix contains a certain value.
double nchoosek (int n, int k)
 Quickly computer the n choose k function. The result is accurate through at least the range of 32-bit integers.
int any (CvMat *mat)
 Checks to see if any member of mat is non-zero.
template<class mattype >
int any (const cv::Mat &mat)
 Checks to see if any member of mat is non-zero.
void fix (CvMat *mat)
 Round the elements of mat towards zero.
void writeMatBinary (cv::FileStorage &storage, const std::string &name, const cv::Mat &mat)
 Write the value of a matrix to a FileStorage in a Base64 format that is much more compact than OpenCV's default format. The data is keyed by the supplied name.
void readMatBinary (const cv::FileNode &storage, cv::Mat &mat)
 Read the value of a matrix to a FileStorage in a Base64 format that is much more compact than OpenCV's default format. The data is keyed by the supplied name. If you attempt to read a matrix that was not saved with "writeMatBinary," this will probably crash your program.
void binaryToAscii (std::string &dest, const uchar *data, size_t bytes)
 Read the value of a matrix to a FileStorage in a Base64 format that is much more compact than OpenCV's default format. The data is keyed by the supplied name. The data is uncompressed with zlib after writing. If you attempt to read a matrix that was not saved with "writeMatBinaryCompressed," this will probably crash your program.
void asciiToBinary (const std::string &data, uchar *dest, size_t bytes)
 Converts a Base64 string to binary data.
void binaryToHex (std::string &dest, const uchar *data, size_t bytes)
 Converts binary data to a non-standard hex format that can be written to a text file, e.g. the YAML format written by OpenCV. This format requires 1.5 the storage space of Base64.
void hexToBinary (const std::string &data, uchar *dest, size_t bytes)
 Converts a non-standard hex format to binary data. This format requires 1.5 the storage space of Base64.
void splitString (std::vector< std::string > &dest, const std::string &data, size_t maxlen=512)
 Splits a string into a collection of string vectors, each with maximum length maxlen. This is useful because OpenCV imposes a maximum string length when writing to a file, somewhere between 2048 and 4096.
void joinString (const std::vector< std::string > &data, std::string &dest)
 Rejoins a vector of strings into a single string.
void rectangleRotated (cv::Mat &image, cv::Point center, cv::Size size, double angle, const cv::Scalar &color, int thickness=1, int lineType=8, int shift=0)
 Uses zlib to compress data. The output dest is allocated in this function and dest_size is set to the number of bytes of the compressed data. Returns a zlib error code if compression fails.
void unIntegrate (const cv::Mat &src, cv::Mat &dest, int type=CV_8U)
 Calculate derivative image.
void unSqIntegrate (const cv::Mat &src, cv::Mat &dest, int type=CV_8U)
 Calculate sqrt of derivative image.
cv::Mat RBF (const cv::Mat &input, const cv::Mat &labels, const cv::Mat &weights, const cv::Mat &xqueries, double tau=.05, double eps=.001)
 Compute RBF values at supplied query points, given input data and labels.

Detailed Description

Auxilliary Tool: A set of functions that are commonly used by many NMPT classes and executables.

Nicholas Butko

Function Documentation

void NMPTUtils::binaryToAscii ( std::string &  dest,
const uchar *  data,
size_t  bytes 

Read the value of a matrix to a FileStorage in a Base64 format that is much more compact than OpenCV's default format. The data is keyed by the supplied name. The data is uncompressed with zlib after writing. If you attempt to read a matrix that was not saved with "writeMatBinaryCompressed," this will probably crash your program.

Converts binary data to a Base64 string that can be written to a text file, e.g. the YAML format written by OpenCV.

int NMPTUtils::getVideoCaptureFromCommandLineArgs ( cv::VideoCapture &  capture,
const int  argc,
const char **  argv 

Allows the source for an NMPT program to be specified from the command line.

  • If the program is invoked with no arguments, the default camera is used.
  • If the program is invoked with any options (e.g. --help), a usage message is printed.
  • If the program is invoked with an integer argument between 0 and 9, the camera with the corresponding number is used.
  • If the program is invoked with a single string argument, it is interpererted as a path to a video file, which will be used for the source.

Returns 0 if there was an error, 1 if a video file was the source, or 2 if a camera was the source,

cv::Mat NMPTUtils::RBF ( const cv::Mat &  input,
const cv::Mat &  labels,
const cv::Mat &  weights,
const cv::Mat &  xqueries,
double  tau = .05,
double  eps = .001 

Compute RBF values at supplied query points, given input data and labels.

inputNxM, N data points, M Dims
labelsNxO, N data points, O outputs
weightsNx1, 1 weight per data point
xqueriesQxM, Q query points, M Dims
tau,:variance of gaussian weighting window
eps,:minimal attention paid to all points
QxO RBF values, Q query points, O output dimensions.
void NMPTUtils::rectangleRotated ( cv::Mat &  image,
cv::Point  center,
cv::Size  size,
double  angle,
const cv::Scalar &  color,
int  thickness = 1,
int  lineType = 8,
int  shift = 0 

Uses zlib to compress data. The output dest is allocated in this function and dest_size is set to the number of bytes of the compressed data. Returns a zlib error code if compression fails.

Uncompress data that was previously compressed. The output dest is allocated in this function, to the amount specified by dest_size. This should be the size of the original uncompressed data, which presumably you know, because you compressed it. Returns a zlib error code if decompression fails. Draw a rotated rectangle on an image. The point is to be like opencv's cv::rectangle function, but to allow rotation.