Welcome to MPLab CERT Computer Expression Recognition Technology. To run the software on example images, open MainScript.m and read the comments. We suggest running the commands one at a time by pasting them into a matlab window. This way you can see what each component does, and what its input and output is. This release (CERT_1.0.0) uses Locator: 2003 Face_and_Eye_Finder Classifiers: linear SVMs on Gabor representations Actions: trained on 8 Facial Actions: 1 2 4 5 10 12 14 20 Training data: stills from Ekman-Hager Cohn-Kanade posed expressions To run the auto facs coder you need the path to a directory where the images are stored (Eg testImages1). Recognition output and eye detector output are saved in a mat_file (Eg testImages1out.mat), as well as tab-delimited text (Eg testImages1out.txt). A video demo of the system output is also created and saved. (Eg testImages1out.avi).