Example Programs


Reproduce the speed results from Butko and Movellan, CVPR 09 on your own machine.


To Run:
(1) Uncompress and Expand the included GENKI R2009a dataset. Make sure the GENKI-R2009a folder is in the data directory:
>> tar -xzvf data/GENKI-R2009a.tgz -C data/

(2) Run the program.
>> bin/CVPRTestSpeed.


This example program is contained in "CVPRTestSpeed.cpp". Following the proecdure in Butko and Movellan, CVPR 2009, it calculates the speed and accuracy of plain Viola-Jones search, and of MIPOMDP-wrapped Viola-Jones search on the GENKI-SZSL subset of the GENKI data set. The results are computed using 7-Fold cross-validation. The included Multionomial observation models (data/MIPOMDPData-21x21-4Scales-Holdout[0-6].txt) were compted using 3000/3500 of the GENKI-SZSL images. Each file has a different 500 images held out. This program evaluates each image using the model that was created when this image was held out -- i.e. it was not used to fit the model parameters.

After each image is searched, several statistics of performance for the current image are printed, separated by commas:

Then, statistics of average performance are printed.

MIPOMDP is an extension of the IPOMDP Infomax Model of Eye-movment in Butko and Movellan, 2008; Najemnik and Geisler, 2005 (see Related Publications).


Reproduce the Multinomial Observation Models used to generate results in Butko and Movellan, CVPR 09 on your own machine. This file is included for instructional purposes -- the files that it creates are already included in the data directory (data/MIPOMDPData-21x21-4Scales-*.txt).


To Run:
(1) Uncompress and Expand the included GENKI R2009a dataset. Make sure the GENKI-R2009a folder is in the data directory:
>> tar -xzvf data/GENKI-R2009a.tgz -C data/

(2) Run the program.
>> bin/CVPRTrainModels.


This example program is contained in "CVPRTrainModels.cpp". Following the proecdure in Butko and Movellan, CVPR 2009, it calculates the coefficients of many multinomial distributions based on object detector performance. As a result of running this program, several MIPOMDPData text files are generated and saved to the data/ directory:

The files created can be used to examine the Multinomial Observation Model Parameters directly, or they can be loaded as MIPOMDP Objects that can be used to search for objects. The included program CVPRTestSpeed uses the HoldoutSet[0-6] models. All other example programs use the AllImages model.

MIPOMDP is an extension of the IPOMDP Infomax Model of Eye-movment in Butko and Movellan, 2008; Najemnik and Geisler, 2005 (see Related Publications).


An advanced example program illustrating the use of the FastSaliency class. SimpleSaliencyExample is considerably simpler, and should be reviewed first.

Fast Saliency Using Natural-Statistics (FastSUN)

To Run Using the Included Movie:
>> bin/FastSUN data/HDMovieClip.avi

To Run Using an Attached Camera:
>> bin/FastSUN

To Quit:
Press the 'q' key from the video window.

To Pause:
Press the 'p' key from the main window.


This example program is contained in "FastSUN.cpp". It is significantly more advanced than SimpleSaliencyExample, and demonstrates the effect of the various parameters of the FastSUN algorithm. It can be run on any movie that OpenCV can open, as well as any camera that OpenCV has access to. Calling the program without any arguments causes the program to search for a camera. The first argument to the program is taken as the location of a file to play back. An example movie file, HDMovieClip.avi, is included in the data directory.

The program opens two windows. One displays the input/output of the saliency algorithm as well as the the time required for each iteration. The second displays a set of sliders that change the parameters of the FastSUN algorithm. These are:

Changing any of the first 5 sliders entails deleting the current saliency tracker and reinitializing a new one (because it changes the structure of the underlying memory represenations). Changing any of the last five sliders can be done an an existing saliency object, and only affects the computations performed.

In Butko et al., ICRA 2008, a simpler version of FastSUN was presented. It can be reproduced in the current parameters by turning off the following settings: Use Spatial, Use Color Contrast, Estimate Histogram, Use Histogram.

FastSUN is an efficient implementation of Zhang et al.'s SUN algorithm (see Related Publications).


An advanced example program illustrating the use of the FastSaliency class. SimpleSaliencyExample is considerably simpler, and should be reviewed first.

Fast Saliency Using Natural-Statistics (FastSUN)

To Run Using the Included Image:
>> bin/FastSUNImage data/HDImage.jpg

To Quit:
Press the 'q' key from the video window.

To Pause:
Press the 'p' key from the main window.


This example program is contained in "FastSUNImage.cpp". It is significantly more advanced than SimpleSaliencyExample, and demonstrates the effect of the various parameters of the FastSUN algorithm. It can be run on any Image that OpenCV can open. An image file must be provided as a command-line argument. An example image file, HDImage.jpg, is included in the data directory.

The program opens two windows. One displays the input/output of the saliency algorithm as well as the the time required for each iteration. The second displays a set of sliders that change the parameters of the FastSUN algorithm. These are:

Changing any of the first 5 sliders entails deleting the current saliency tracker and reinitializing a new one (because it changes the structure of the underlying memory represenations). Changing any of the last five sliders can be done an an existing saliency object, and only affects the computations performed.

In Butko et al., ICRA 2008, a simpler version of FastSUN was presented. It can be reproduced in the current parameters by turning off the following settings: Use Spatial, Use Color Contrast, Estimate Histogram, Use Histogram.

FastSUN is an efficient implementation of Zhang et al.'s SUN algorithm (see Related Publications).


A slightly more complex program using the MIPOMDP class: takes a few more input types than the simple face tracker, and displays more information.

First Full-featured Example of Multinomial-Infomax-POMDP for Faster Face Tracking (MIPOMDP), from Butko and Movellan, 2009. (see Related Publications).

To Run:
>> bin/FoveatedFaceTracker [optional-path-to-movie-file]

To Quit:
Press the 'q' key from the video window.


This example program is contained in "FoveatedFaceTracker.cpp". It demostrates some of the internal processes of the MIPOMDP class. It takes as input an attached camera (if no input arguments are provided), or any movie file that OpenCV can read.

It displays the result of the MIPOMDP tracking algorithm as well as optional visualizations of the algorithm.

In the main program window, the display is controlled by the following keys:

Tip: If the output is not changing, select the display window and try moving the mouse.


A slightly more complex program using the MIPOMDP class: takes any image OpenCV reads as input, and animates visual search.

First Full-featured Example of Multinomial-Infomax-POMDP for Faster Face Tracking (MIPOMDP), from Butko and Movellan, 2009. (see Related Publications).

To Run:
>> bin/FoveatedFaceTracker [required-path-to-image-file]

To Quit:
Press the 'q' key from the video window.


This example program is contained in "FoveatedFaceTracker.cpp". It demostrates some of the internal processes of the MIPOMDP class. It takes as input an attached camera (if no input arguments are provided), or any movie file that OpenCV can read.

It displays the result of the MIPOMDP tracking algorithm as well as optional visualizations of the algorithm.

In the main program window, the display is controlled by the following keys:

Tip: If the output is not changing, select the display window and try moving the mouse.


An example the simplest program using of the MIPOMDP class.

First Simple Example of Multinomial-Infomax-POMDP for Faster Face Tracking (MIPOMDP), from Butko and Movellan, 2009. (see Related Publications).

To Run:
>> bin/SimpleFaceTracker

To Quit:
Press the 'q' key from the video window.


This example program is contained in "SimpleFaceTracker.cpp". It demostrates the simplest usage of the MIPOMDP class. It takes as input one of the included example movies. On each frame, it chooses a different region of the video to fixate in a way that is designed to rapidly gather information about the location of the face.

The major steps in creating and using an MIPOMDP object are:

Here are examples of code that this program uses to accomplish these tasks:

"Load an MIPOMDP data file."

MIPOMDP* facetracker = MIPOMDP::loadFromFile("data/MIPOMDPData-21x21-4Scales-AllImages.txt");

"Tell the MIPOMDP data structure what size frame to expect."

facetracker->changeInputImageSize(cvSize(movieWidth, movieHeight));

"Use OpenCV to load an image or a frame of video into memory." First we load the movie into a cvCapture object by

CvCapture* movie = cvCreateFileCapture("data/HDMovieClip.avi");

Then on every iteration of the main program loop, we query the next frame:

current_frame = cvQueryFrame(movie);

"Use OpenCV to convert the image to grayscale."

cvCvtColor (current_frame, gray_image, CV_BGR2GRAY);

"Call the MIPOMDP's "searchNewFrame" method on the grayscale image."


"Access the result via the 'foveaRepresentation' member variable."

cvShowImage (WINDOW_NAME, facetracker->foveaRepresentation);

This concludes the tutorial of the simplest usage of the MIPOMDP class.


An example the simplest program using of the FastSaliency class.

First Simple Example of Fast Saliency Using Natural-Statistics (FastSUN), from Butko et al., 2008. FastSUN is an efficient implementation of Zhang et al.'s SUN algorithm (see Related Publications).

To Run:
>> bin/SimpleSaliencyExample

To Quit:
Press the 'q' key from the video window.


This example program is contained in "SimpleSaliencyExample.cpp". It demostrates the simplest usage of the FastSaliency class. It takes as input one of the included example movies. It produces a frame-by-frame saliency map as output.

The major steps in creating and using a FastSaliency object are:

Here are examples of code that this program uses to accomplish these tasks:

"Call the constructor with the desired size of the saliency map (in pixels), leaving other parameters as defaults."

FastSaliency* saltracker = new FastSaliency(saliencyMapWidth, saliencyMapHeight);

"Use OpenCV to load an image or a frame of video into memory." First we load the movie into a cvCapture object by

CvCapture* movie = cvCreateFileCapture("data/HDMovieClip.avi");

Then on every iteration of the main program loop, we query the next frame:

current_frame = cvQueryFrame(movie);

"Use OpenCV to convert the image to floating-point image, and to resize it to the size of your saliency map." The program then downsizes the incoming frame to the size of the saliency map, and converts it from the integer format supplied by the avi file to the floating point format expected by the FastSaliency algorithm.

cvResize(current_frame, small_color_image, CV_INTER_LINEAR);
cvConvert(small_color_image, small_float_image);

"Call the saliency tracker's "updateSaliency" method on the resized, grayscale image. " Now that the image format is the right size and data type, we invoke the main method of the SaliencyTracker object, "updateSaliency":

saltracker->updateSaliency(small_float_image) ;

"Access the result via either the 'salImageDouble' member variable, or the 'salImageFloat' member variable." Finally, the results of the saliency tracker can be visualized in the main window

cvShowImage (WINDOW_NAME, saltracker->salImageFloat);

This concludes the tutorial of the simplest usage of the FastSaliency class.


Create a restricted field of view model to illustrate how the MIPOMDP can simulate an active camera. This file is included for instructional purposes -- the files that it creates are already included in the data directory (data/MIPOMDPData-21x21-3Scales-AllImages.txt).


To Run:
(1) Uncompress and Expand the included GENKI R2009a dataset. Make sure the GENKI-R2009a folder is in the data directory:
>> tar -xzvf data/GENKI-R2009a.tgz -C data/

(2) Run the program.
>> bin/TrainNarrowFOVModel.


This example program is contained in "TrainNarrowFOVModel.cpp". Following the proecdure in Butko and Movellan, CVPR 2009, it calculates the coefficients of many multinomial distributions based on object detector performance. As a result of running this program, an MIPOMDPData text file is generated and saved to the data/ directory:

The file created can be used to examine the Multinomial Observation Model Parameters directly, or it can be loaded as an MIPOMDP Objects that can be used to search for objects. The included program FoveatedFaceTracker uses this model. All other example programs use the AllImages model.

MIPOMDP is an extension of the IPOMDP Infomax Model of Eye-movment in Butko and Movellan, 2008; Najemnik and Geisler, 2005 (see Related Publications).